Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Cutest Giraffe There Ever Was....
I'm the luckiest Mama there is!
Can you tell we are getting ready for Halloween?
Don't let this picture fool you, he did fine in the costume. He was crying like this because I had to set him down in order to take a picture of him. Don't worry, he got over it really fast!
Happy Halloween!
Monday, September 26, 2011
13 Month-ish Update
Time Flys!!
Kingston is growing like Bamboo! He's so much fun to play with and so exhausting at the same time. I can't believe how much energy he has and I don't know where it all comes from.
Just this past two weeks Kingston has had his 4 top teeth come in. Two of them just barely but ready or not, here they come! I was starting to think he was going to be my little Gumbi.
Now, when I say this boy is funny I mean it. The other day I caught him dancing in the living room so I said, "Kingston, dance for Daddy." He gets down really low like he's squating and starts bouncing up and down.
He knows very well what the word No means and he has been testing it to the limits. A couple of times I have told him not to touch the blueray player, when he does I tell him to come to me. He says "No." when I say "Yes." He says "No." Uhoh!
He has been getting very good at blowing kisses! It makes my day.
When Apollo licks him he says, "No, dog."
The other day when we were skyping Paul I told him to say "Bye Dada" and he DID!
He is learning very quickly to run.
As soon as he hears the Skype ring he says "Dada!"
He is getting much better at playing with and near others.
He's extremely vocal!
.... and he just loves to play in the dirt!
We just want to share that its no more than 39 WEEKS until Daddy will be home with us!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Happy First Birthday!

On Tuesday, my Facebook status was... "One year ago today I was blessed with the cutest, most challenging yet rewarding gift imaginable!" I really do feel blessed to be Kingstons Mommy! Its the best job I could have. This little guy is so smart and so cute.
We wish Daddy was here to share this day with us. We are missing him like crazy.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
11 Months Young.

Words: Dada, Mama, Dog, Thank You, Hi, Cat, and a many many sounds.
Kingston loves to throw! I have been getting him balls because if I don't have them he will throw remotes, silverware, tupperware, tylenol bottles and so on...
My little dancer loves the Wiggles. As soon as the theme song comes on he stands at the ottoman and shakes his little baby butt back and forth.
On 7/16/11 he took 3 steps. Yesterday he took 2.
He has been pushing his little train around the house like nobodys business.
He has the most adorable laugh I have ever heard.
On 7/17/11 he got his second haircut.
He thinks Daddy lives in the computer or in the phone.
He is excellent at waving Hi and Bye.
He is learning to blow kisses.
He only has a bottle when he wakes up and goes to bed. All other times he uses a sippy cup.
Kingston loves to point.
When he eats something that tastes good he says, "mmmmmmm."
I feel so blessed to be the mother of this beautiful little person.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
See you soon.
Kingston and I made the trip to New Jersey to spend a week with Paul before he flys out.
We spent Pauls pass in Philadelphia for Independence Day. It was pretty neat to see actaully. Our hotel was in Historic Philly and literally connected to the Cemetary that Ben Franklin is buried in. We found lots of neat things to see and do. (I'll post pictures)
At the end of the week we had to say "See you soon."
Kingston and I are so proud of what Paul does. Though I know why he does it, it doesnt make it any easier.
Stay safe, and come back to us. We love you.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
10 Months and our Milestones!

I can walk along the furniture all day long.
I can stand by myself (but only for a few seconds).
I have learned how to lower and lift myself on things without falling.
I know how to crawl up stairs (only when supervised of course).
I am learning to say new words like hat/cat/dog.
I am getting faster, and someday I will catch the cat.
I shake my head back and forth ALL the time.
I can CLAP and say YAYY!
I am getting better and better at feeding myself (fine motor skills).
I am using a sippy cup!
I can stand up in my crib, and I do everytime I don't want to going to sleep!
I can splash around in the tub and I love getting Mommy all wet.
I am definitely a water baby.
I love Skyping with my Daddy, I know his voice and I get extremely excited when we talk!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Missing you...

We're hoping this year is SPEEDY!
In the mean time:
Kingston got his first tooth on 6/8/11!
He now is not only an active crawler and climber but now he can go from crawling to standing, sitting to crawling, crawling to sitting, sitting to standing etc..
When you say "Where are the Dogs?" He looks toward or goes to the back door.
He loves Skyping.
Today, he turned 10 Months Young!
Kingston got his first tooth on 6/8/11!
He now is not only an active crawler and climber but now he can go from crawling to standing, sitting to crawling, crawling to sitting, sitting to standing etc..
When you say "Where are the Dogs?" He looks toward or goes to the back door.
He loves Skyping.
Today, he turned 10 Months Young!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Happy Birthday to Mommy!
What a day..
After work we met up with Ashley and Lucy in Northfield. We got dinner, dessert, and played in the fountain.
It was all I could have asked for!
Only thing missing was Hubby. <3
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Family Pictures!

I heard about Corrie from my friend Sarah. Corrie did Sarahs wedding photos and I love love love them.
So a few weeks ago I got ahold of Corrie and scheduled our family pictures for before Paul deploys.
I just wanted to share with you some of our favorites!
So a few weeks ago I got ahold of Corrie and scheduled our family pictures for before Paul deploys.
I just wanted to share with you some of our favorites!

Ok, so I know I said some of our favorites... Understand, there are 206 pictures to choose from!
They really turned out great. We definitely plan on doing this again when Paul comes home.
They really turned out great. We definitely plan on doing this again when Paul comes home.
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