Thursday, June 16, 2011

10 Months and our Milestones!

The time is going so quickly. This little man is 10 Months Young! Some days I look at him and I can't believe how big he is getting. He's adorable, smart and full of personality.
We've been seeing alot of Ashley and Lucy lately. We love hanging out with them. Lucy and Kingston are becoming good little buddies and I think they are learning alot from eachother.
Kingstons Milestones:
I can walk along the furniture all day long.
I can stand by myself (but only for a few seconds).
I have learned how to lower and lift myself on things without falling.
I know how to crawl up stairs (only when supervised of course).
I am learning to say new words like hat/cat/dog.
I am getting faster, and someday I will catch the cat.
I shake my head back and forth ALL the time.
I can CLAP and say YAYY!
I am getting better and better at feeding myself (fine motor skills).
I am using a sippy cup!
I can stand up in my crib, and I do everytime I don't want to going to sleep!
I can splash around in the tub and I love getting Mommy all wet.
I am definitely a water baby.
I love Skyping with my Daddy, I know his voice and I get extremely excited when we talk!



Thursday, June 9, 2011

Missing you...

I may have my days where I complain about you being away, but at the end of everyone of them I know why you do what you do and I am proud of you.
"Missing someone is a part of loving them. If you're never apart, you'll never really know how strong your love is..." -Unknown
May 23rd, was the start of a new set of 400 day orders.
We're hoping this year is SPEEDY!
In the mean time:

Kingston got his first tooth on 6/8/11!

He now is not only an active crawler and climber but now he can go from crawling to standing, sitting to crawling, crawling to sitting, sitting to standing etc..

When you say "Where are the Dogs?" He looks toward or goes to the back door.

He loves Skyping.

Today, he turned 10 Months Young!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Happy Birthday to Mommy!

What a day..
After work we met up with Ashley and Lucy in Northfield.  We got dinner, dessert, and played in the fountain. 

It was all I could have asked for!
Only thing missing was Hubby.  <3