On April 9th, this little guy hit the 8 MONTH mark. Oh, so bitter sweet.
His laugh is heartwarming, this little guy can instantly make our day great!
Every month it's like he's changed enough for a year. I swear he has been drooling and chewing on everything since 3 Months. Still, No TEETH! I can't believe it. He doesn't really let you check for them so I can rarely sneak a peek. I'm sure they are coming though, because somedays he is just cranky and the only way to fix that is with a little Tylenol.
We've seriously been contemplating when we are going to go for his first haircut. I want to do it before Paul leaves so we can both be there. We just don't want Daddy to miss it! I think the time is coming though, because it growing over his ears. Haha.

New Things I Do!
I say 'Da Da'- some days I look right up at him and yell 'DA'.
I have just started pulling myself up. It's still a rare occasion but I'm sure it will only become more regular.
I am increasingly good and scooting backwards, but I'm still working on the forward part.
I love to stare down the Cat.
I am the ultimate baby food eater now. Grandma Lynn has been convincing Mommy to give me real food. You should see me with a PICKLE!
I think its funny to shake my head 'No' when I am getting into my carseat.
I got a BIG BOY carseat!
I love to Swing. (Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Hutch)
I obviously have a good time with Bubbles.
My new favorite toy to chew on is Steggie. (My Stegosaurus)
Love, Kingston
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