Friday, February 11, 2011


Last Friday our friend Katie had tickets to see Steve-O do Improv in Stapleton. Needless to say she wanted someone to go with her and she invited me. She was really excited and told me that she heard he did crazy things like tricks and takes pictures and signs stuff. I thought, "Ah, what the heck? Why not?"
I'm really glad I went! He's actually really funny. I had no idea that now he is a "vegan." He has been sober for 3 years and he even quit smoking. I was quiet surprised.
During the show he "rapped" with an audiance member who was "beat boxing." The audiance member was horrible to say the least but the wrap was pretty funny. He lit his own head on fire, he squeezed fresh lemon juice into his eyes, and balanced a butcher knife on his nose (crazy). After the show he took the time to take a picture with every single audiance member who wanted one and signed whatever they wanted.
All in all it was just fun so I thought I'd share it with all of you!

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