For Thanksgiving we went to Chicago to see Ashley graduate from Boot Camp. My sister Erica, her daughter Bella, and my Dad all went and met us there too. We had an awesome trip and it gave us a great chance to spend some quality time with Baby Bella.

Its funny, how much personality she has at 6 months old. Surprising almost. She's so happy and content and she loves everyone.

I loved how she would make the cutest faces when I was taking pictures.

SO everyone makes comments about my purse, I got it in San Francisco last summer and I don't care how big it is. I love it. Some one made a comment a few months back about it. They said "What are you smuggling babies in that thing?" Well now we know I could if I wanted to.

This picture just makes me fall more in love with him. We drove all through the night after work so we could get to the Graduation in time. Right when we got there we went straight to the base and watched the ceremony. Directly after the ceremony we got to visit with Ashley and plan where and what our next move was. I think Paul was releaved that it was back to the hotel. Him and Bella crashed pretty quick.

I think she likes my purse (baby smuggler) as much as I do.
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