A couple weeks ago Paul left for WLC. Right before my birthday of course. So the Friday after he left I went to a Party with Ashley, that her cousin was throwing. It was so much fun! It helped keep me extra busy so this time would fly by. Thank You Ash for inviting me!!! I had a great time. Not to mention the food was good!

Kim came up last weekend to keep me and the dogs company! I love having her to visit! I'll be sad when she goes back to NY. We went to the zoo all day on Saturday!! I completely forgot my camera so if I can manage to get some from her I will post them. It was a great day for the zoo. Sun was shinning, all the animals were out, and we found good parking!
On Sunday we woke up and mowed the lawn and took out the garbage and pulled the weeds, then we took the dogs to the park. We again got some nice weather for the morning and most of the afternoon. Because of all the rain we have been getting the park was GREEN!

I'm just happy Paul will be home tomorrow. Apollo has been quite the pain... (Chewing EVERYTHING) I'm so glad this was only a couple of weeks. It's a nice change from a year.
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