-Foods he eats (well Kinda): cereal (hates it), squash, sweet potatoes, banana, pumpkin.
-He laughs the cutest laugh.
-He's still sleeping through the night. :-)
-He loves his tongue and sometimes even makes noises with it.
-He is holding things in his hands and bringing them to his mouth to chew on them.
-He talks (baby talk) all day and has even started to "growl"
-Kingston can Roll over, back to front and front to back.
-He can sit up when assissted by a boppy, of course it doesn't take him very long to fall over.
-He is reaching! He wants anything we have and he's started putting his arms out when he wants you to take him. (I'm not sure if he knows thats what he's doing.)
I'm sure there's much more that I am probably leaving out. It's surprising the things that change from day to day. It seems like everyday there is something new.
We're incredibly blessed!