Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Holiday Season!

I can't even put into words what this little guy brings to our lives. It amazes me how funny he is even if he can't talk. I've been living with my camera at my side because of all the new faces he makes. We feel blessed beyond measure.

Its shocking how quickly the holidays are coming. Though we don't yet have snow, Christmas is definitely getting closer! (You can't go to the mall without getting trampled by a stampede)
This picture was taken at the Christmas Party for the 324th Psyop. We all got dressed in our nice Christmas clothes and had lunch at the Embassy Suites. I just think this picture turned out great! I might be biased but I love our beautiful little family!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

3 Months

Guess who's 3 months old!? THIS GUY!!!!!!
I feel so lucky to be his Momma! He's growing and changing everyday. This morning when I was saying goodbye to Paul and Kingston as I was leaving for work he squealed when I kissed his chubby little neck, I live for those little moments. When I am talking to him in my Momma voice and he smiles real big and squirms with excitement, I live for those moments too.

It seems a little silly now to count his age in weeks... Looks like we have to celebrate on the month marks now.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloweenie!!!

I just wanted to add a little post and show off our little guy. Kingston passed out about half way through the candy stash! What a cute little monkey.

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Can't get enough..

How is it that you can love something so much that comes in such a tiny little package? My world now revolves around Kingston "Sir Poopie Pants" Houck. Who would think that you would enjoy living every moment for someone else? I love being his mommy!
I love his little naps on my chest.
I love putting him in clothes that are way to big on him. (0-3 Months at 6 weeks old)
And I love getting to watch him grow.
Paul had drill in September and I couldn't help but dress Kingston up just like Daddy! Now he has his own little ACU top and cap. He has no idea how cute he is!
They looked so cute hanging out in the rocking chair when Paul got home.
I love finding clever little shirts when we go shopping! Paul picked this one out, of course.
Kingston has been so much more alert. He's awake much more during the day so I talk to him and make silly faces at him. I'm sure he has no idea what I am saying but it's fun all the same. He makes some of the cutest faces and now he is SMILING!

Its so hard to catch him smiling because I take alot of pictures with my cellphone and the camera on it is delayed. Soon it will be a regular occurance and I'll catch him with the camera.
After six weeks of being home I had to go back to work. The first few days were rough but I know that I'm working to give Kingston a good life. I appriciate even more every second I get to spend with him. I'll try to keep up with my blog so our family from home can see how fast Kingston is growing. We are excited to go home for Christmas and show this little guy off!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Welcome Kingston Liam Houck

We're pleased to annouce that Baby Houck officially has a name! It only took until we saw his cute little face.
Kingston Liam Houck was born August 9th, 2010 @ 5:47AM. Weighing 6lbs 4.3ozs and measuring 19 inches long.
We're all so happy to be home and spending every second we get together. We can't wait til everyone gets to meet him.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Baby Shower!

So I took a trip home to have a baby shower with my family and friends who live in and around New York! It was awesome to see everyone that I have missed. It was a very very very busy 9 days. I don't have all the baby shower pictures yet but thought I would preview the ones I do have!

I miss being home and seeing everyone. I'm so glad I got the chance to visit before baby Houck arrives!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The verdict is.................

We are PLEASED to annouce that Baby Houck is indeed BABY BOY HOUCK!
We had our doctor appointment yesterday and it was clear. Boy, oh boy was it clear! I've been very good to not buy anything based on the hunch it was a boy.

We're very excited and especially happy for this wonderful journey we get to take.
There will be many many play dates ahead! And now we can FINALLY start the nursery.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kitchen Facelift!

Welcome to the Houck Kitchen. When we first moved into the house EVERYTHING WAS YELLOW.. We have the pictures to prove it. I mean, ceilings, doors, door frames, backsplash, and even the counter tops. And not just the kitchen... EVERYTHING!
The kitchen also had the wall the wrapped around and seperated it from the dining room. It closed everything off and made it feel smaller than it was. Even dark.
One morning I got up and Paul said he was going to start demo. I kept telling him how he had to be careful not to make a huge mess... yada yada. So I went to take the vent down from over the stove. All of a sudden... SMASH. Take a look at my was very nice stove.

Obviously, since I destroyed the stove it meant Paul could start tearing down a wall.

After our house being a complete mess for over a month we decided to really get to work. With Baby on the way I do not want the house to be in pieces. We fixed the part where he took out the wall and capped it like a bar. It opens right up into the dining room now and it makes the house look much more open. We also widened the doorway from the kitchen to the kitchenette by about 8 inches. Once the walls were being put back up, we started tearing out the floors.
This is after we pulled up the first layer ugly floor.

The second layer of really ugly floor... YELLOW might I add.

And last but certainly not least.... Layer number 3.
Hideous as you can see.

We didn't want to waste any more time so Paul measured out where the cabinets were going to go back so we had a template for the tile. Notice we painted the cabinets white and put new hardware on them. Much more updated look. I didn't want to get new cabinets because they are hard wood, in great shape, and we are on a budget.

After the trial run, We finally laid the tile. After we washed them we realized they were actually alot darker than we thought. But it was a pleasant surprise.

While Paul was away for the weekend I put the seal on the tile and on his day off, he laid the grout. Phew.......
Today Paul decided not to work so he could get ready to go away for another weekend. He had some free time so he did the final coat of sealer. Then he put the appliances back. Yay. I can actually cook in my Kitchen. Notice my new stove. We ordered the new stainless steal refridgerator yesterday.

In a couple of weeks we will be having the new counter tops installed and we will install the new back splash. What a long and tiring process. This poor old kitchen needed some help. Both design and electrical!
We just wanted to share with all of you what we have been up to.

Monday, January 25, 2010

We're Having a Baby!

Yes, It's true. We're having a baby! We found out a while before Christmas. I know that this is an annoucement that alot of friends have made recently also. We would just like to say Congratulations to our friends, and we're very excited to be able to join this big adventure with all of you!
Pray for Blue!