How is it that you can love something so much that comes in such a tiny little package? My world now revolves around Kingston "Sir Poopie Pants" Houck. Who would think that you would enjoy living every moment for someone else? I love being his mommy!
I love his little naps on my chest.
I love putting him in clothes that are way to big on him. (0-3 Months at 6 weeks old)
And I love getting to watch him grow.
Paul had drill in September and I couldn't help but dress Kingston up just like Daddy! Now he has his own little ACU top and cap. He has no idea how cute he is!
They looked so cute hanging out in the rocking chair when Paul got home.
I love finding clever little shirts when we go shopping! Paul picked this one out, of course.
Kingston has been so much more alert. He's awake much more during the day so I talk to him and make silly faces at him. I'm sure he has no idea what I am saying but it's fun all the same. He makes some of the cutest faces and now he is SMILING!

Its so hard to catch him smiling because I take alot of pictures with my cellphone and the camera on it is delayed. Soon it will be a regular occurance and I'll catch him with the camera.

After six weeks of being home I had to go back to work. The first few days were rough but I know that I'm working to give Kingston a good life. I appriciate even more every second I get to spend with him. I'll try to keep up with my blog so our family from home can see how fast Kingston is growing. We are excited to go home for Christmas and show this little guy off!