Yes, it's true... I even had to be reminded to post a new blog. I think that people forget how much that have going and before you know it they're leaving out the things they like.
We're getting prepared to start remodeling the kitchen of our house. As of last week we started picking out the materials that we like.
Pauls gradparents were here for a visit for about 3 weeks and that gave us the opprotunity to get some ceiling fans installed in the two main bedrooms. That is a bonus because we didn't even have overhead light fixtures.
Slowly but surely its all coming together. I'm sure it's just going to take time

Paul and I will be leaving on November 24th to go to Chicago and see Ashley graduate from Bootcamp. I promise to take lots of pictures and blog as soon as we return. Who knows, maybe we'll take the computer with us.

Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween and Veterans Day.