Sorry it's been a while since I've posted. Since Paul came home from WLC it's been nonstop around here! Lots of work is being done on our house so I'll have to put up some new pictures. I promise I will be better.
As far as whats been going on... I went back to NY for a week to visit my family. Paul parents were here for a visit, our friend Cody came to stay with us for a couple weeks, and my little sister Ashley came to live with us for a while. All the company has been great but we're exhausted.
I was extremely busy while I was home also. I got to meet 2 new nieces, my little sister graduated High School, my friend Tiffany got married, I had plenty of family to visit!
Sams Graduation Cake. We're so proud of her! She is starting school at JCC this fall.
My niece Chloe. Shes such a smart little girl. If you tell her you love her she will say... "I know."
My new niece Jade. Big blue eyes! No one puts her to sleep like I do.
Chloe in the bounce house. I kepts saying "Chloe you're so cute" and she would say, "I know."
My new niece Bella with her dad Sam. Bella makes the cutest faces.
My niece Talise. I spoiled her a little bit while I was home. It's hard not to when you don't see them very often.
Jess.Ash.Sarah.Nikki all of us ready for Tiffanys wedding.
This is a picture of Nikki hanging out with Bella at the wedding. Bella turned out to be quiet the little party animal!
Its great to have Ashley around because she helps out alot around the house. If we're working on something she is right there to help us out. Shes pretty ambitious too. She already found a job and started working! I'm so proud of her.

Ashley and I in Boulder. We took her around a little bit on her first weekend here.
As soon as I get a spare minute I will post more pictures. Like I said, we've been very busy!